Mission Statement
To make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Student Leaders
Chapter PresidentMadison BoyerI'm a junior from Lucas. I'm attending NC state for the Sci-med program and this is my third year being treasurer. What I enjoy about FFA is participating in the fair and doing contests as well as planning fun activities.
Chapter Vice PresidentAllyson ArnoldI am Allyson Arnold and this is my second year in FFA. I am also a second year officer. This year I am taking two goats and two pigs through FFA. There is a market, breeding goat, and two market hogs. I also show dairy market steers and dairy calves through 4-H.
Chapter Vice PresidentKaitlyn GriffeyMy name is Katie Griffey and this is my 2nd year in FFA. I'm also a second year officer. I take market steer and hogs to the fair.
Chapter SecretaryJordan TedrowI am a junior this year and 16 years old. I take a goat & a rabbit for FFA and horses for 4-H. This is my third year being an officer
Chapter Student AdvisorLeah BurleyI am a second year officer for our chapter my favorite thing to do is community service and going to state and national convention. I met my bestfriend Emmalee because of FFA.
Chapter TreasurerDevyn McGuginMy name is Devyn McGugin. I am a Sophmore at Lucas. This my third year in FFA but first year being an officer. I take a turkey to fair for FFA and a beef feeder calf through 4H.
Chapter SentinelEmmalee BradfordThis is my second year being the Lucas FFA's Sentinel. The FFA is my found family.
Chapter ReporterGrace BakerI am Grace Baker and this is my 3rd year in FFA. I am a sophomore in high school and I enjoy working on trucks. I also am taking pigs to the fair this year
Chapter ReporterJack DiBartolomeoMy name is Jack DiBartolomeo, and I am a 16 year old Junior. Although I do not have any animals outside of school projects, I am still looking to pursue a career in one of the Technical Agriculture careers. I also am on my 3rd year of Starting Varsity Baseball.
Chapter Farm ManagerColton StullMy name is Colton Stull I am a freshman at Lucas High School and this is my second year in FFA and my first year as an officer.
Program Vision Statements
Encourage achievement in supervised agricultural experience programs
Develop competent and assertive agricultural leadership
Strengthen the confidence of agriculture students in themselves and their work
Build character and promotes citizenship, volunteerism and patriotism
Develop interpersonal skills in teamwork, communications, human relations and social interaction
Student Committees
CommitteeCommittee Summary and Objectives
Growing Leaders - Career Success
Chair: Leah Burley
Field Trips to Local Businesses (State Convention)
Growing Leaders - Healthy Lifestyle
Chair: Leah Burley
Blood Drive
Growing Leaders - Leadership
Chair: Madison Boyer
Leadership Conference
Growing Leaders - Personal Growth
Chair: Jordan Tedrow
SAE Participation
Growing Leaders - Scholarship
Chair: Emmalee Bradford
Lucas FFA Banquet
Building Communities - Citizenship
Chair: Devyn McGugin
Heritage Days (Lions Club)
Building Communities - Economic Development
Chair: Jordan Tedrow
Fruit Sale
Building Communities - Environmental
Chair: Jack DiBartolomeo
Landscaping around the school
Building Communities - Human Resources
Chair: Allyson Arnold
FFA Alumni
Building Communities - Stakeholder Engagement
Chair: Grace Baker
Senior Breakfast Presentation
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Advocacy
Chair: Kaitlyn Griffey
Social Media and News
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Literacy
Chair: Allyson Arnold
Vegetable Table
Strengthening Agriculture - Chapter Recruitment
Chair: Madison Boyer
Harvest Days
Strengthening Agriculture - Safety
Chair: Jack DiBartolomeo
Safe Tractor Driving
Strengthening Agriculture - Support Group
Chair: Colton Stull
Chicken Project

Saturday, February 15, 2025

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